The Law of Magnetic Attraction

The card I picked for you today is "The Law of Magnetic Attraction" Enjoy the affirmative-prayer that goes with it: Source is omniscient, omni-present, omnipotent, Source is everywhere! There is no place Source is not, therefore, where we are, Source is. Source is peace, love, joy, harmony, creativity, Higher Intelligence, wisdom, and just as the sunbeam is an extension of the sun, so too, are we; just as the waves upon the ocean are individualized extensions, expressions of the whole ocean, so too, are we perfect, whole, individualizations of Mother/Father God; we already are perfect in the Mind of the Universe, as the Mind of the Universe is perfect within us.

Right here and right now, in this energy of pure Perfection that we are one with, we affirm and we declare that whatever is put out is mirrored back to us, for we are one with the All. An exterior face of love and joy and of bliss reflects our feeling and extension and expression of love, joy, and bliss. We know not where the looking-glass begins nor ends. We simply are. And we attract to us only creativity, only peace, love, and joy, for that is what we radiate out, now and forever more.

These words are the law of the Universe and already are in the Mind of God. We let it be, and so it is!


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Master Reiki