Pranic Breathing: Nadi Shodhana or Alternate Nostril Breathing

One rythmic breathing, or Pranic Breathing exercise (Pranayama, or breath-control) that I do daily which I learned when studying Prana Healing at the University of Metaphysics (Sedona) is called Yoga Breath/Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing. Hopefully you've already been practicing rythmic (Prana) breathing for awhile, which involves inhaling into your belly, not your lungs, (so it expands like a bellows) to the count of four, counting two heart-beats, then exhaling your breath by tightening your belly to the count of four; count two heart-beats then inhale to the count of four, count two, then exhale to the count of four. Four-two-four-two and so on.. This is not only relaxing, but prepares you to use Prana for self-healing and the healing of others. 
   Alternate nostril-breathing may be practiced in one of two ways. This is the method I learned from the university: press lightly the pad of your right-thumb on your right nostril, blocking it. Inhale through your left nostril to the count of four, release your thumb and place your right index-finger on your left-nostril, blocking it; count two beats and exhale through your right nostril to the count of four. Count two beats and inhale through your right nostril to the count of four, place your thumb on your right nostril as you count two beats, (releasing your index-finger) exhale through your left nostril to the count of four; count two beats, inhale through your left nostril  release your thumb and block your left nostril with the pad of your index-finger, count two beats then exhale from your right nostril to the count of four. Count two beats, then inhale to the count of four through your right nostril, count two beats, block your right nostril and exhale through your left nostril to the count of four, count two beats, inhale through your left nostril four beats, count two, block your left nostril and exhale through your right nostril to the count of four. Count two beats and repeat.
  A variation of finger placements: keep your index and second-finger at your third-eye, use your thumb when blocking the right nostril, and use your ring and pinky-fingers to block your left nostril when inhaling and exhaling as before.
  Practice this daily and enjoy the potential health benefits of lowering your blood-pressure and slowing down your breathing. Some have noticed a more peaceful night's sleep as well.  
  I can't speak highly enough about rythmic/Prana breath! 

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