Pranic Breathing: More Techniques

Prana Breathing: More Techniques

In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine and Indian martial arts, Prana is the Sanskrit word for breath, "life force", or "vital principle". It permeates reality on all levels including inanimate objects. In Hindu literature, Prana is sometimes described as originating from the sun and connecting the elements.

   We've previously discussed one kind of Rythmic, or Prana Breathing, specifically Yoga Breath/Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing. Essentially all forms of pranic breathing is used to assimilate the omnipresent Prana Energy, which is everywhere including the food we eat, the water we drink, and of course, the air that we breathe. Prana Breathing is also used to heal oneself and others, as you are about to discover.

Review: Basic Rythmic/Prana Breathing

Initially you must relax your body enough that you become aware of your breathing and heart beat. Self-Hypnosis or Meditation is a good way to do this. Place your hand on your heart and become aware of/feel your heart beats, as each beat will be a "count". Another important point is your attitude/thoughts/belief about Prana: as you breathe it in, know that it simply isn't just air, but pure, clean Prana energy. It is powerful, magnetic, and healing. Consciously think that as you exhale this Prana, it will be surrounding your entire physical body, going to your feet, your hands, your eyes, and your head. It will be radiating through all of the cells, tissues, muscles, organs, and nerves of your body! So think upon it in these ways.
   Once you're relaxed enough, begin to breath into (to the count of six) your diaphragm/belly (not your lungs) through your nose, so that your belly/diaphragm expands like a bellows; count three heart beats, then release through your nose, tightening your belly/diaphragm as it expels from there through your nose to the count of six. Count three heart beats. Repeat. Inhale through your nose to the count of six, (belly expands) count three beats, exhale through your nose to the count of six. (belly contracts) Count three beats. Repeat over and over for five minutes to start, until eventually you're just naturally breathing like this all the time. If you find this difficult at first, inhale to the count of four, hold two beats, exhale to the count of four, count two beats, repeat. Try to build up to inhaling eight counts, holding for four beats, exhaling for eight, count four, repeat. This type of basic Rythmic/Prana Breathing is crucial (and is the basis, along with Mystical/Higher Consciousness/Contact Meditation) for your spiritual practice, as it can energize yourself enough for you to be able to heal yourself, and put you into a state where you can heal others as well.            Rythmic Breathing can be very powerful and effective used in conjunction with the basic Prana Passes, which will be discussed next time.

Pain Elimination Pranic Breathing

The following method is a basic way to eliminate pain using Prana Breathing.
   While thoroughly relaxed and lying on your back, breathe in Prana (as previously discussed) and on the exhale, send it to every part of your body, with the intention/thought to drive out any pain. Repeat for a total of seven times.

Specific Pain Elimination Pranic Breathing

Concentrate on one specific problem area. You can do this anywhere, not just laying on your back: driving to work, speaking to someone on the phone, etc.
   Start with the basic Prana/Rhymic Breathing. Become aware of inhaling the Prana, and as you exhale, send this Prana to the troubled/painful area. When you are exhaling as well, think/believe that you are driving out the pain, right out of your body! Do it three times.
   Note: if one of your troubled/painful areas is your chest, merely inhale, and holding this, think that you are directing the Prana to your chest and driving out the pain, stimulating the area and energizing it.

Prana for Circulation

This is for poor circulation.
   Start with the Rythmic Breathing. Next, inhale Prana, and while you are holding this, think that you are going to exhale the energy/frequency/resonation of blood. Drive it down to the fingertips and to the toes, increasing the circulation and flow of blood throughout the body. This also works well for thawing cold toes in the morning! If your toes are cold, that means that blood is not circulating well there; that part of your body is not receiving energy, and consequently, the vital life-force is being cut off! This is a very simple way to increase circulation; it is merely a matter of using your subconscious mind to work for you. Try it, it really works!

The Breath of Fire

This is for re-charging yourself with energy.
   When you feel tired, low in energy, and want to stimulate your body to create new energy, use this technique. You're using breath to charge your body.
   It is done by breathing the Prana in and out very rapidly through your nose. Inhaling and exhaling rapidly. Make sure that you do not hyperventilate or get dizzy; if you do get dizzy, simply stop for a moment, then continue. Blow your nose first to clear out any nasal/sinus obstructions. 
   It is called "The Breath of Fire" because as you do it, you begin to feel like you are on fire. You can feel the energy radiating from you. You inhale as deeply as you can, and then exhale, both through the nose. Repeat over and over, quickly. Do this very rapidly and you will be directing energy throughout your whole being.
   You will feel completely cleansed and energized after this, so don't be afraid of it.
   Start off slow, doing it for two minutes or less, then eventually extend it to five. You could overcharge your system, short-circuit it and black out, so start off doing it until you get a little dizzy, then stop. Rest for a few minutes, and then continue, building up the amount of time that you do it.
   It's a great way to start your day!

Yoga Breath/Nadi Shodhana, or Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate nostril-breathing may be practiced in one of two ways. 
   This is the method I learned from the university: press lightly the pad of your right-thumb on your right nostril, blocking it. Inhale through your left nostril to the count of four, release your thumb and place your right index-finger on your left-nostril, blocking it; count two beats and exhale through your right nostril to the count of four. Count two beats and inhale through your right nostril to the count of four, place your thumb on your right nostril as you count two beats, (releasing your index-finger) exhale through your left nostril to the count of four; count two beats, inhale through your left nostril  release your thumb and block your left nostril with the pad of your index-finger, count two beats then exhale from your right nostril to the count of four. Count two beats, then inhale to the count of four through your right nostril, count two beats, block your right nostril and exhale through your left nostril to the count of four, count two beats, inhale through your left nostril four beats, count two, block your left nostril and exhale through your right nostril to the count of four. Count two beats and repeat.
  A variation of finger placements: keep your index and second-finger at your third-eye, use your thumb when blocking the right nostril, and when alternating, use your ring and pinky-fingers to block your left nostril when inhaling and exhaling as before.
  Practice this daily and enjoy the potential health benefits of lowering your blood-pressure and slowing down your breathing. Some have noticed a more peaceful night's sleep as well.  
  I can't speak highly enough about Rythmic/Prana Breath! Remember: instead of inhaling to the count of four, holding two beats, then exhaling to the count of four, counting two beats, etc., you can try six-three, or eight-four, or better! As long as you hold for half as many beats as you inhaled and exhaled.


Thus far, we have learned how to inhibit pain, direct circulation, re-charge the body, and to alternate breathing. We've learned and felt what Prana is, and how to use Prana/Rythmic Breathing to heal ourselves.
   Next, we will learn techniques for healing others, using Prana and various hand gestures or passes.

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